
All pupils are expected to always wear uniform of the correct size and in good condition. Wearing the correct uniform in the correct manner is one of the ways that our pupils will show they take pride in themselves and in their school. We believe that uniform is one of the outward signs by which the local community recognises and makes judgements about our school and we wish those judgements to be entirely positive. We also believe that uniform contributes to creating a disciplined and well-ordered learning environment in school. Please find below the whole school uniform:
All uniform can be purchased from Speed Stitch and Victoria 2
Walthamstow Primary Academy – Whole School
- Shirt: Plain white collared shirt. Long or short sleeved. Tucked in at all times. No polo shirts.
- Trousers/shorts: Grey tailored school trousers/shorts.
- Tie: Walthamstow Primary Academy tie.
- Jumper: Walthamstow Primary Academy Vneck jumper or tank top
- Socks: Grey socks permitted.
- Shoes: Plain black leather school shoes with plain black laces and black soles. Ankle boots only. No trainers, including black trainers are permitted. No canvas shoes. No sandals. Feet must be completely enclosed.
- Jewellery: No jewellery is permitted at any time. If ears have recently been pierced, silver studs only.
- Rucksack: This should be brought into school every day. On P.E days, kit should be put in this bag along with books and a water bottle. WPA PE bag and rucksack are recommended.
- Outdoor clothing: Coats may be any colour, but please ensure they are warm and waterproof. All outdoor clothing should be removed in the school buildings. WPA fleece line waterproof coat recommended.
- Water bottle: water bottle to be clearly marked with your child’s full name
- Hats: Summer and winter hats to be grey – a recommended purchase.
- Blouse: Plain white collared shirt or blouse suitable for wearing with a tie. Long or short sleeved. Tucked in at all times. No polo shirts
- Trousers: Grey tailored school trousers or shorts
- Skirt/Skort: tailored plain grey knee length tailored school skirt – no jersey fabric permitted
- Tie*: Walthamstow Primary Academy tie.
- Jumper*: Walthamstow Primary Academy Vneck jumper / or tank top
- Hair accessories: Plain purple or plain grey hair (only) may be worn.
- Socks and tights: Grey socks and tights only. No Leggings.
- Shoes: Plain black leather low heeled school shoes with plain black laces and black soles. Ankle boots only. No trainers, including black trainers are permitted. No canvas shoes. No sandals. Feet must be completely.
- Jewellery: No jewellery is permitted at any time. If ears have recently been pierced, silver studs only.
- Rucksack: This should be brought into school every day. On P.E days, kit should be put in this bag along with books and a water bottle. WPA PE bag and rucksack are recommended.
- Outdoor clothing: Coats may be any colour, but please ensure they are warm and waterproof. All outdoor clothing should be removed in the school buildings. WPA fleece line waterproof coat recommended.
- Hats: Summer and winter hats to be grey – a recommended purchase
- Water bottle: water bottle to be clearly marked with your child’s full name
Appropriate religious headwear: permitted subject to the discretion of the Principal e.g. plain grey (same as skirts/trousers) hijabs may be worn.
PE Uniform (boys and girls) – purchase from uniform shop only as need to have logo on items
- Polo shirt: white Walthamstow Primary Academy polo shirt
- Sweatshirt: purple and grey Walthamstow Primary Academy Sweatshirt
- Trousers: grey WPA tracksuit bottoms
- Shorts: WPA Purple
- Socks: White
- Shoes (indoor): black plimsolls
- Shoes (outdoor) plain trainers with black laces or velcro
- No temporary tattoos or henna are allowed.
- Only natural hair colour and styles allowed. No shapes/patterns shaved into hair.
- Sunglasses only permitted for medical reasons – evidence required.
Concessions will be made for children with particular needs at the discretion of the Principal. We are not responsible for lost property or uniform on the premises.
Speed Stitch Victoria 2
Opening times Opening times
Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm Monday – Saturday 9am – 6pm
Saturday 9am – 1pm
Address Address
Unit 32 246 Hoe Street
Walthamstow Business Centre Walthamstow
Clifford Road London
Walthamstow E17 3AX
E17 4SX
Phone: 0208 531 4800 Phone 020 8520 2176
New Enquiries enquiries@speedstitch.co.uk Enquiries enquiry@victoria2schoolwear.co.uk
Existing Orders workshop@speedstitch.co.uk Website www.victoria2schoolwear.co.uk
School Uniform shop@speedstitch.co.uk
Website www.speedstitch.co.uk